dimarts, 7 d’octubre del 2014

My presentation

Sra.Lourdes – English teacher
INS Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona

Dear Lourdes,
My name is Alex, I’m sixteen and I play football. This year I’m starting first of Batxillerat and I want to study economics in BCN.
My dream is to make my own company and pass the studies this year. I’ve different hobbies, the one I prefer is kitesurf. That consist of sailing with a kite or a comet and a board. I practice it two hours a week. I live with: my father Jordi and my mother Margarita. I’ve a big brother called Aaron and he is nineteen. My pet is a Dogo de Burdeos called Blanca that lives with my brother now.
Finally, I explain my new class, this year I've acquaintance new friends and new teachers and I hope have fun.

Thanks for your time.

Sincerely, Alex Trias Chacón.

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