dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2014


I used the PowerPoint in this case the Prezi. The resources have been focused on the topic. If resources have support oral explanation. The presentation lasts 7 minutes. I've looked at the audience when I spoke. I read the paper a few times when I lost. I made few moves to attract attention of the audience. We had a small problem the ordination but we knew who touched on in each case. No use many discourse markers to make our clear ideas. Yes, we have introduced new information. Detailed information, it is quite clear and give examples in some sections. My grammar is quite correct and complex. I used verbs that we have studied in class and the ordination is correct. My vocabulary is varied but little rich. I used quite a phrase connectors. I used some filler because I don’t know much. I have checked the pronunciation of some words but I have not said all the words right. No change my voice and I speak fluently because I have studied. The note I deserve would be a 7. I have to improve my pronunciation and my grammar. 

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