dilluns, 2 de març del 2015



The film is about a family that moves for work of his father. His father decides to write a book about what happened in the house. What happened was that a family died but no one knows how or because the only evidence we have is the video that is in the house. Throughout the film are passing strange things and the mother is tired and wants to go but Father tells all. Finally the father is about to finish the book but when more view more things happen until the youngest daughter of the family decides to kill because of the bad man of the house is possessed.


This movie is one of my favorites because I love horror movies and intrigue. I recommend it to everyone because until the end do not know who the real murderer. The production and recording are the best he has done in this movie because they are so well crafted and detailed. The actors are not well known only the father, but everyone does their part perfectly. The effects and animation of the characters are beautifully crafted by computer. The story of this film is very well designed and it all makes sense and is well understood.

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