divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

SelfEvaluation - People with disabilities

Norden and I made our presentation on the war. We use the prezi and put a video on the consequences of war. It helps a lot in the prezi explanations and images.

Our hard issue between 10 and 12 minutes. Try to look at all my colleagues but I got a little nervous. I feel safer watching one partner.

Help me a bit of paper because I could not know the dates or the minutes of wars. I move quite ahead of peers.

The organization of our work has been easy. I have not used markers because they do not fit well in our presentation. I have introduced new information to the public and in my opinion our grammar has been a little loose.

We gave many examples of wars and where they were and when they lasted.

Linkers use new vocabulary and sentences but the problem was that we failed a little in pronunciation.

Finally, he spoke very fast and that made follow that understood everything.

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