divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

Story of the stuff

Over 50% of our federal tax goes to the military.
Is consumed 1/3 of the planet's natural resources.
In the United States there is only less than 4% of native forests.
40% of the waterways is no longer fit for consumption.
The United States has 5% of the planet but use 30% of the planet's resources and generate 30% of the world's waste.
They go to the third world and destroy the place to get your resources.
75% of world fish stocks are exploited to the limit of its capacity or overfished.
80% of native forests in the world has disappeared.
In the Amazon we're losing 2000 trees a minute.
Today they are used in commerce over 100,000 synthetic chemicals.
BFRs are extremely toxic (neurotoxic) toxic to the brain.
Babies given the highest dose of toxic chemicals from drinking breast milk.
200,000 people move daily from places that have sustained them for generations into cities (to seek employment, live in slums).
In the United States the industry recognizes that emits two billion kilograms of toxic chemicals a year.
30% of children in the Congo has left school to work in the coltan mines.

My Opinion

My opinion on this is that I do not agree with many things that makes the government of each country. If we really want to improve we must find solutions. For me destroy forests is a bad deed and that nature must be protected. We must also think about the people who have lived there generations and not have to take home for their own benefit. Not do I agree that children working in the mines and leave their schools. US should improve its economy and produce his first field acting differently. Toxic used to develop each object should be to ban us as we pollute. Fishery resources should descontrol as there is a 75% exploited. Justice would have to stop forest holdings because for every minute 2000 trees are cut. It should be restricted to go to the third world to exploit and profit removed. Breast milk is toxic mothers and babies receive the highest dose. What I think is unfair 50% of our taxes go to the government to stop the military. Many of us can not live on the minimum wage so the government should propose solutions to help people to live life more easily and work using toxic is more controlled and secure for people who have difficulties .

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