diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

My self evaluation

In the oral presentation I used Power Point because it’s easy to use. Also because it’s more visible and layout of your slides is nice. Before starting work I saw a video related to popular programs in different countries and get enough information. I think I lacked a bit of time to improve the presentation because I made simple.

I have to improve several things:

  v  Look to the public.
  v  Least read my notes
  v  More fluent
  v  Improve my pronunciation
  v  Use appropriate vocabulary
  v  Explain more about each topic

I think that was good and orderly structure that organizes different programs depending on their location. The content would have to improve because I miss you put in each program, when it was started and some more information about its history (serie). The presentation was clear and the majority of the class understood what I said.

Use correct language but I have to add more new vocabulary and connectors. In my presentation are missing some examples. My difficulty is the pronunciation and fluency because I was nervous being the last person who had the job. I think I made a good presentation but must be improved to better note. Note that I would get is 7.

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