dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2014

The Best of Times and Thirteen


In Commun

The two protagonist are teenagers. Their mums have been through to the same situation. The two fathers went away from their families. The two protagonists are good students at the beggining but after they don't study. Tracy and Chee Seng don't have a good relationship with their mothers. The boy and the girl steal money. 

Different things

The girl doesn't have real friends but the boy has real friends. The girl didn't fall in love with any boy but the boy fell deeply in love with girl. Tracy consumes drugs but Chee Seng doesn't. Tracy has a brother but Chee Seng doesn't have anyone. Tracy changed the way she dressed but the did not.


I used the PowerPoint in this case the Prezi. The resources have been focused on the topic. If resources have support oral explanation. The presentation lasts 7 minutes. I've looked at the audience when I spoke. I read the paper a few times when I lost. I made few moves to attract attention of the audience. We had a small problem the ordination but we knew who touched on in each case. No use many discourse markers to make our clear ideas. Yes, we have introduced new information. Detailed information, it is quite clear and give examples in some sections. My grammar is quite correct and complex. I used verbs that we have studied in class and the ordination is correct. My vocabulary is varied but little rich. I used quite a phrase connectors. I used some filler because I don’t know much. I have checked the pronunciation of some words but I have not said all the words right. No change my voice and I speak fluently because I have studied. The note I deserve would be a 7. I have to improve my pronunciation and my grammar. 

diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My best stage

Magical Stone

Once upon a time Stifler there was a new student at the high school. One day when he went to school, a boy called Makal started bulling him. Stifler felt go bad. When the class finished, he went home fastly. In the road home he found the magical stone. With that magical stone he could obtain all that he wanted. After that Stifler wanted a revenge. The boy created a chaos because he requested a lot of wishes. The stone has broken and he became alone in the world. The boy tried to find the stone. When his in the travel to find the fragments stones, he started to think in all the problems and then after 3 days Stifler arrived to a conclusion. That it was better to go back to the past. When he found all the fragments Stifler went throught with the plan. When all the things became normal Makal had an accident. Consequenly he stayed in wheelchair. When he went to the class again he felt sympathetic to Makal. 
After all he tragedies Stifler forgave him and they became friends. Then Stifler wanted the magical stone. When he explained what he wanted to do, Makal felt go thankful. The day they found the stone Stifler resolve the legs of Makal and they became a happy couple.

Summary of book: Muerte por funky


The book is about Eutanasio, a very discreet character and helps people to suicide. It all begins when Eutanasio kills Rosa, then Esnáider (your partner) takes more people that go to getting more money. With that money you can hire Javi Cuesta, a famous producer. Throughout the book tells the miserable life of Ramon and Rachel. Have another partner named Pepe brings you the worst people because killing can never end. Eutanasio see that things are going well but as it has a lot of people just turning everything against him. Finally get the money but the couple of David and Sónia will change the lives Eutanasio. Since David doesn't die and wants the money. Later Raquel located Eutanasio because of his neighbor thief I end their life.


In my opinion this book is very fun because a lot of mystery. I choose this book because I read in class with Isabel. I recommend all people especially readers. I like this book because Eutanasio is a character very funny and others characters isn't funny because don't rise. Is the best book that I have read. The history is in detail because more information about the characters and environment.

The best experience of my life

When I was twelve years I participed in the X-Games because one promotor saw me doing BMX. The brand that sponsored me was Fox. These day was the best day of my life because I get the second position of the classification. I met a lot of important and famous people like Travis Pastrana and Ken Block. I had luck of be in the first line with my family. I saw different games: motocross and rally. It was very incredible and I want to go there the next year. I win one thousand euros and a bike signed by famous people.

The best music for me

I like all the music in general, but especially dubstep. It's a kind of music that makes me feel good and crazy. The dubstep is perfect to dance because has rythm. This tipe of music was created for students the university. Their name is DJ's. For ex: I like the song Make it Bundem of Skrillex. Skrillex is one of the best DJ's of the world because of his music but adove of all his personality. This music identifies me because it's a music with a strong energy. The dubstep is generally listened for teenagers. But my brother doesn't like dubstep he likes pop because the pop is more relaxing.


The summer it's the best time of the year. The school finished and you can spend three months doing what you want. In this holiday you can go to the beah with your friends or swimming in the pool... Sometime you can go with your parents in some places like: France, Portugal, Germany, Hawaii, Italy... You eat lots of cold drinks and ice-cream because of the warm. I think this summer was fantastic because I felt free and I didn't have any warries. In the beggining of the summer I was sad because rained a lot. The best moment were when I went with my dad and my brother to fish.

New Year

The New Year it's a traditional celebration that means the end of a year and the beggining of the next. It's celebrated the 31th of December. First the all family meets in the evening and they have dinner. They eat chicken, they drink beers and they make toasts. Finally when it approaches the midnight (the twelve o'clock) all the members of the family eat twelve graps. After this, everyone goes with their friens to celebrate a party and have fun until the sun rise. The next day all the people are tired and they sleep all the day. In the evening there are differents games. For ex: hit a ball for win some presents. 


The Christmas is a tradition that we celebrate every year. On the 25th of December is Christmas night so the children receive presents. I like Christmas because I can choose what I like. I celebrated with my family, normally have dinner all together and the next morning we open the presents. The happiness of the celebration is that child because they don't know who are the three kings, but for me is interesting because with the age I have I know who they are so I can choose what I want.

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

My wished Job: Businessman

1920x1080 Wallpaper businessman, chair, flood, umbrella, river, storm, city

My wished job is being a businessman because being a job with many exits. I like it because I identified as am. I'm a guy I like money and I like control. My greatest wish is to manage and create my own company. I don't like having a boss and follow their instructions. If it were my company would make my employees were as good as possible because then produce more. Starting a business is very difficult because you have to invest a lot of money and people know you. I also like it because pus create my own products to my taste. Finally I think it's a great job and does not take much note to go to school.

diumenge, 12 d’octubre del 2014

Rebel song

Modestep - Another Day

All your worries leave your sight             Todas sus preocupaciones se van de tu vista                       
Free your mind                                        Libera tu mente
Cause tomorrow is another day              Porque mañana sera otro día
When you feel like moving on                 Cuando usted se siente como de pasar
Just stay strong, cause tomorrow is another day  Sólo mantente fuerte, porque mañana será otro día

All your worries leave your sight 
Free your mind 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
When you feel like moving on 
Just stay strong, cause tomorrow is another day 

Cause tomorrow is another day 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
Cause tomorrow is another day 

No worries, no troubles                              No se preocupe, no hay problemas
Erase your mind and find a way                 Borrar tu mente de que es mal camino
Keep smiling, keep fighting                        Sigue sonriendo, seguir luchando 
Live for each moment and day                   Vivir para cada momento y día
While we're rising                                        Ya que estamos en aumento
Life's full of compromising                           La vida está llena de compromisos 
So just live for the moment and save          Así que vive el momento y guarda
All your worries for another time                 Todas sus preocupaciones para otro momento 
Cause tomorrow is another day                  Porque mañana será otro día

All your worries leave your sight 
Free your mind 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
When you feel like moving on 
Just stay strong, cause tomorrow is another day 

All your worries leave your sight 
Free your mind 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
When you feel like moving on 
Just stay strong, cause tomorrow is another day 

Cause tomorrow is another day 
Cause tomorrow is another day 
Cause tomorrow is another day

The song is about a story of a teenager who suffers bullying and that has to rebel and go against everyone who put him through bad times before. I do not feel identified in any part of the song because that haven't happened to me , but I find it very interestind what wants to express this song. My personal  opinion about this song is positive, because it helps to other people who whatch the video to prevent those things and realize that  now a days it's very comon.

dimarts, 7 d’octubre del 2014

My presentation

Sra.Lourdes – English teacher
INS Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona

Dear Lourdes,
My name is Alex, I’m sixteen and I play football. This year I’m starting first of Batxillerat and I want to study economics in BCN.
My dream is to make my own company and pass the studies this year. I’ve different hobbies, the one I prefer is kitesurf. That consist of sailing with a kite or a comet and a board. I practice it two hours a week. I live with: my father Jordi and my mother Margarita. I’ve a big brother called Aaron and he is nineteen. My pet is a Dogo de Burdeos called Blanca that lives with my brother now.
Finally, I explain my new class, this year I've acquaintance new friends and new teachers and I hope have fun.

Thanks for your time.

Sincerely, Alex Trias Chacón.

dissabte, 7 de juny del 2014

Experiences I have learnt something from

Bye Bye ESO

This photo was taken in 2010. We did in 1st Eso. I was going to 1D and year was fun, it was different from the primary school. I've always gone to the same classes with the same people. I went through difficult times when everything was so different study. This exams are more difficult  but I adapt in the class.

This photo was taken this year.It was the year that has happened faster. I enjoyed it, but I've uncontrolled fun. Now I have changed and I think I'm more responsible. The class is very open and I've done faster with peers. It's been 3 years and would really like to go back to 1st because the last time I have been unforgettable

divendres, 30 de maig del 2014

My world: My favourite song


This music who created Shontelle but singing James Arthur and name this music is Impossible. The music has different sentiments towards the people. Shontelle created this music for the persons broken heart  also because you can forget the things of the past and start new. When something is not going well don't follow this that wants to convey the song.
For mi this song is very important because nothing is impossible.

My world: My favourite movie

Rafa is a young Andalusian gentleman who has not had to leave his native Seville ever to get the only thing that matters in life: the fine, the hair gel, Betis and women. Everything changes when he meets a woman who resists her charms: Amaia, a Basque girl. Determined to conquer it, he moved to a town in the Basque country, where is passed through Basque to overcome their resistance. Adopts the name of Antxon and several Basque surnames: Arguiñano, Igartiburu, Erentxun, Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Otegi, Zubizarreta and even Clemente.

I choose this film because it's really funny and the main characters are very good by be spanish.

News: Shark attack in Australia

Shark attack in Australia

A 63-year-old woman, has been killed by a shark off the coast of new South Wales in Australia. Christine Armstrong was swimming with friends at the wharf at Tathra beach this morning, when she broke away from the group. Shark 3 or 4 meters. The ambulance service of new South Wales found remains of a woman.


Spring: structure next to which the boats at the water park.
Place: see.
To a large extent: very.
Evaluate: to make a judgement.

I chose this section because I really like the sea since the animals that inhabit it are very dangerous. The story is very serious but I really like the tiburons and this mainly because I did 3 or 4 meters.

dimarts, 27 de maig del 2014

Tourist Interview

Excuse me, do you speak English?

Do you have a minute?
Yes of course.

We are doing a project for school. Could we ask you some questions, please?

Where are you from?
I come from Manchester, England.

Is it the first time that you are in Spain?
Oh, yes is my first time here.

How did you come here? By plane, ship or train?
I came buy plane.

Why are you in Barcelona?
Well I am here because some friends has told me that it’s a really, really nice city.

How long are you going to stay here?
I’m planning to stay here for a fifteen days more ales.

Are you travelling with family or friends?
I’m travelling with my friends.

What have you visited up to now?
Well I’m have visited the Sagrada Família, the Camp Nou and Gaudis House.

What do you like the most?
I’m really liked the Sagrada Família and Gaudis house very, very interesting bought.

Have you bought any presents?
Yes I have bought some presents for my family

How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot?
Well I get around buy bus and foot I can visited the city better.

Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish?
Well I only now to say: Hola, Adéu, Que tal?

Have you tried any typical Spanish or Catalan food?
Yes I have tried Paella and it’s really, really good.

Do you think Barcelona is expensive?
Well it’s not more expensive that the others cities I have visited

Do you see any differences from your country?
Well not really differences I only can tell you that the weather here is better that England here is warmer.

Is there anything you don't like?
No, it’s really really nice Barcelona.

Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?
I’m going to recommended to my family they have to come to visit this city.

Will you come back again?
Oh yes shure, I will back again I don’t know when but I will back.

Thank you very much for your time!!!!
Enjoy your holidays


divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

English verbs

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

dijous, 22 de maig del 2014


Tomorrowland is an electronic music festival that takes place in Boom (Belgium). It is organized by ID & T Entertainment and Media Enterprise. The first edition of the festival was the August 14, 2005, and the first artists who participated in the event are Niky Romero, Avicii, Hardwell, Afrojack and others.

This festival was created in 2005 and celebrated every summer. In festival will very many people because there are the best dj's in the world and you can camp in DreamVille for sleep. Tomorrowland for mi is a very beautiful but very moved party in the night. The trip is very expensive. For access in Tomorrowland you need to have a 18 years old.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

A striking image


This is a picture of a man and a dog flying a hang glider.In this picture, I can see a man and a dog flying together to heal the disease of man.The photo shows us how the man and the dog are together in a hang glider and Dan can feel better when you fly, so you can forget about their illness.We can also see how the man and your dog jump a mountain and every day they do, are flying close to a small village. There seems to be 3 Gopro trying to do pictures. The dog is wearing a blue dress to keep warm, this picture is made for the front camera. Right behind there are mountains and in the middle of a village. Also if you notice there is a white car.I find that this picture is amazing because it's rare that a dog and a person in a hang gliding flying over mountains.This photo was taken in Salt Lake, Utah, July 22, 2013 in the afternoon.

dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

Quote Love


Correct CCBB Writings

Writing 1
Hi auntie,

How are you? I hope you're well. I'm writing to tell you about my new friend.
My new friend is called Peter, he is a 15 years old and he lives in Barcelona with parents. He is black and tall. He likes playing football because it's his hobbie and his team is Girona. He dislikes other sports and doesn't like pepper. His dog is called Blanca, it's his favourite pet but he prefers cats.

Writing 2
Last weekend I got up at half past ten. I went to take a shower and clean teeth. Then I dressed and went to lunch. Prepare the backpack and my father took me to the bus where they were my friends. At 7:30 was that there be because 8 I started school. When school ended I went home to eat and finish my homework, then went out for a round or play with my friends in the village.

Last Christmas

Last Christmas I went to Italy with my parents and celebrated the new year with my friends. I went to the disco on 31 December and celebrate a new year. After visit a monuments in Italy, the monuments even very beautiful. Went to the home and opened the presents, my present was a iphone 5, very good present for me. Finally returned to Spain and celebrate a new year with family in Sant Pere Pescador.

Romantic Movie

Silver Linings Playbook

The title of the film was Silver Linings Playbook . It was released in 2012. The writer and the director was David O. RussellThe actors in this film are: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Jacki Weaver, Chris Tucker, Julia Stiles, Anupam Kher, John Ortiz, Shea Whigham, Dash Mihok, Paul Herman, Brea Bee.

History: He spent eight months in a mental health center for assaulting his wife's lover, Pat returned to her parent's House. Although he is determined to do everything possible to win back his ex-wife, the situation changes when he meets Tiffany, a girl with problems and bad reputation. Despite initial distrust, soon arises between them a confidence that will help them later to know the good side that has life.

Opinion: I like this movie because it is related in the life that we live and that can change with the passage of time. I also like the interpretation of the characters since it is very fluid and realistic.


He was born on February 5, 1992 in Mogi das Cruzes.
It will be at 2003 signed in the Santos with 11 years. The Real Madrid was interested. It was the team where he was top scorer. He won the World Cup and qualify for the Olympic Games. Nominated for the FIFA Ballon in 2011 and 2012.Wen with the Barcelona and signed up to the 2018. I like this player that has a lot of talent. Neymar is one of the best players but I think that has earned a lot of money for the FCB.

divendres, 7 de març del 2014

Romeo and Juliet Chapter 1-3

  • Tybalt is an artist with his sword.
  • Romeo is blind for love Juliet.
  • Romeo is fools because went to home Juliet.
  • Romeo I liked a glove of Juliet.
  • The friar married Romeo and Juliet.
  • Friends cell Romeo and Juliet.
Famous Sentences
    1. What's in a name? That which we call a rose
         By any other name would smell as sweet.
    2. Lover's are fools. 
    3. I would love to see Juliet married. You will have happy days and happy nights

Romeo and Juliet Chapter 1-3

  • Tybalt is an artist with his sword.
  • Romeo is blind for love Juliet.
  • Romeo is fools because went to home Juliet.
  • Romeo I liked a glove of Juliet.
  • The friar married Romeo and Juliet.
  • Friends cell Romeo and Juliet.
Famous Sentences
    1. What's in a name? That which we call a rose
         By any other name would smell as sweet.
    2. Lover's are fools. 
    3. I would love to see Juliet married. You will have happy days and happy nights

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


When was William Shakespeare born?
He was born in 1564

Where was Shakespeare born?
He was bron in Stratford upon Avon

How many plays did Shakespeare write?
He wrote 38 plays

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
He wrote 154 sonnets

What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London?
The Shakespeare's teathre names was The Globe theatre.

‘To be or not to be, that is the question?’ is from which play?
It was from Hamlet.

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

Love Song


My life is brilliant / Mi vida es genial                                                                     
My life is brilliant / Mi vida es genial
My love is pure / Mi amor es puro
I saw an angel / Ví un ángel
Of that I'm sure / De eso estoy seguro
She smiled at me on the subway / Ella me sonrió en el metro
She was with another man/ Estaba con otro hombre
But I won't lose no sleep on that / Pero no perderé el sueño por eso
Because I've got a plan / Porque tengo un plan.
You're beautiful, you're beautiful / Eres hermosa, eres hermosa
You're beautiful, it's true / Eres hermosa, es cierto
I saw your face in a crowded place / Ví tu rostro en un lugar abarrotado
And I don't know what to do / Y no sé que hacer
Because I'll never be with you / Porque nunca estaré contigo
Yes, she caught my eye / Sí, llamó mi atención
As she walked on by / Mientras pasó a mi lado
She could see from my face that I was / Ella podía ver en mi cara que estaba
Fucking high / Jodidamente encantado.
And I don't think that I'll see her again / Y no creo que vuelva a verla de nuevo
But we shared a moment that will last till the end / Pero compartimos un momento que durará hasta el final
You're beautiful, you're beautiful / Eres hermosa, eres hermosa
You're beautiful, it's true / Eres hermosa, es cierto
I saw your face in a crowded place / Ví tu rostro en un lugar abarrotado
And I don't know what to do / Y no sé que hacer
Because I'll never be with you / Porque nunca estaré contigo
You're beautiful, you're beautiful /  Eres hermosa, eres hermosa
You're beautiful, it's true / Eres hermosa, es cierto
There must be an angel with a smile on her face / Debe haber un ángel con una sonrisa en su cara
When she thought up that I should be with you / Al que se le ocurrió que yo debería estar contigo
But it's time to face the truth / pero es hora de afrontar la verdad
I will never be with you / Nunca estaré contigo
James Blunt - You're beautiful