divendres, 20 de maig del 2016

Trip Diary - Roma

My trip to Italy was wonderful because I went with my whole family. The day I went to Spain was in December and decided to spend Christmas there. I would pass very well and would repeat the trip. My parents have Italian friends and so decided to vacation there because we were invited to his home to spend Christmas with them. The hard trip 9 hours because we drove when we got there the atmosphere was very different from here because people drive the car skipping signals, ie, are in a hurry. Italy is a very nice and pleasant place, I recommend this place to go for a holiday to all people who like to travel.

The first day, I visited with my parents a few important sites in Rome, including the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain. The son of friends of my parents was a very kind person and thanks to the whole place was known, decided to join the rest of the day to learn more about Rome. At the end of this day we went to eat at a nice restaurant, the food was delicious and the treatment of workers was very good. The only drawback was that it cost a lot of money per person but it did not matter, what mattered was fun.

The second day, I went to visit the Vatican where Pope of Rome was. I really liked that place because it was very nice and very large. There were many people visiting that place and the construction of the square is very well crafted and detailed. That day we all went to walk around Rome and know more about it. After that we went to visit the Arc de Triomphe because the first day we did not have much time to watch it closely. At the end of the day we went to eat at the restaurant of my parents' friends, it is a pizzeria. The pizzas they make are very good and miss because here in Spain do not do so well, pasta is also very good because I tried the pasta dish my brother asked for dinner.

The third day was the best because my brother, the son of friends of my parents (Simone) and I went to a club to bid farewell to such a wonderful holiday. That night we went to the best club was in Italy, we met many girls and many friends Simone. The Italians are very social people and I try to help as they can. These days he was there in Italy learned the basics of the language and would like to learn more about the language because it is a very beautiful language. The party hard all night and we had a great time. When I finish we went home and ate Simone everything we find in the fridge. The next day we remember little of the party but we were all good times. 

Finally, prepare packing to go to Spain, I did not want to leave Italy because I really liked that place. We had gone to great places with incredible views. Before we left we went to eat at a special restaurant and celebrate a farewell. The following year the Italians came to our house because they wanted to know Spain and its culture.

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wifi signal expousure



This news published on September 18, 2013 at 5:24 talks about the mobile phone companies that say their products are safe but it is not true. The mobile phone signal affects our health and dangerous because electronic products emit radiation. Above all this signal it affects children because they are more sensitive to radiation. According to doctors this radiation causes cancer or infertility. Doctors say it is impossible to avoid radiation because they are anywhere, the advice they give is that you have to turn off all devices that emit such radiation when not in use.


I agree with Dr. Naiman because right when he said that should stop using this radiation devices such as mobile phones. Humanity worse and that it ends up causing a global disease. Radiation are few microorganisms that are not going well for health. They should put safety measures and stop making such high radiation devices. But all countries are only interested in the money and why not stop making devices because if they stop making them lose a lot of money. Finally, I would say that people should stop using the mobile phone and focus on other more important issues, should also enjoy nature because being hooked to mobile is an addiction that causes serious illness.

My Research Project


The main objective of this project is to learn how to create a business. This work is based on finding all necessary documentation to open a business. I have also analyzed the population, location, market and other information needed to know more about where to locate my company. Along the work I have been able to compare other businesses in my town which has allowed me to know how to improve my business. It also helped me to know all the documentation that I need before starting a business. 

Can the Internet make the world a better place?

Nowadays I use the Internet because it's a fantastic tool for work. I spend a lot of time on the Internet because I can take a lot of information. I have a cell phone and it's very practical because you can visit all the websites and chat with your friends. I have Internet connection in my home and in my mobile because the Internet connection is necessary to do all you want, for example: to search the information for your work, visit websites as Facebook... 
I have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat because all my friends use these sites and is very interesting to see the pictures of other people.
Finally, I would say that the new technology is very important for the future because the people need to learn about it.

Why it's harder than ever for women not to obsess over their appearances

Every day there are more images of ideal beauty, ie images representing the perfect beauty. Many of the photos of celebrities are modified by a computer program to modify its actual appearance.
Commercial representations of women fashion became popular in the nineteenth century in the United States. In the 1860s the American middle class could afford to have his own portrait to look prettier every day, that is, the person ages but likes to look young in his portrait. The young woman has always been the most popular beauty image.

Finally, the film industry made the American woman was the ideal of beauty. Currently, on the Internet you can find many photos of celebrities, these photos can be retouched or can be very sensual. They want these women is to stand out from the others. Many women are airbrushed in photos to look younger and less damaged. The ideal body is sought is a body like a model.

dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

NBA: Golden State level Western Conference final



This news published on May 19, 2016 17:36 speaks to them on the tie of the eliminating one of the finals of the Conference West, Golden State Warriors vs Oklahoma City Thunder.
The team of Curry I join the eliminating one of the finals of the Conference West on having gained to the Oklahoma City Thunder in the second game of the series. In the first meeting the Warriors they lost the game but in the second game they were dominating it through.
Once again Stephen Curry demonstrated his style and his way of playing. Because of it this player has been chosen MVP of the season. The American base annotated 28 points, 17 in only 4 minutes. Other players also played well and this team demonstrated once again that it wants to win another time.

This Sunday, the final will be in Oklahoma where the third game of the series was played.

In my opinion nowadays Stephen Curry is the best player of the NBA. I like his style and his way of playing because actually he is the player of the team of the Warriors who does more points. I like his way of throwing much because it is his own style and there exists rarely that fails. He is a great player and he will be a great player because he is a sportsman very young and still he has years to play. The team of Oklahoma also is good and has very good players but the performance of the Warriors is much high. I would like to see the third live game because the final was played and both teams will give the better show. The games of the NBA are very nice because they give game and show. Stephen Curry is not very high but he can move the ball with facility. Finally, some day I would like to meet Stephen Curry and do some baskets with him since he is a very good person and he likes to play in team.

France PM Valls condemns violence during labour law protests



This news published on May 19, 2016 22:21 speaks to them on the manifestations in the whole France against Hollande's labor reform.
In Marseilles seven student unions and of workers they summoned a protest for the recent approval for decree in the National Assembly without the vote of the deputies. André Valentin was saying that if they did not want a revolution they had to check the labor reform.

In Paris many people took part present in the manifestation because they were denouncing that the project was a step backwards in the labor guarantees obtained for years. Antoine was saying that if they do not change opinion and that the project of law was continuing forward. There have been many agents hurt through the fault of the protests and this fact has caused that the police use balls of rubber, teargases … to be able to control the demonstrators.


I think, that increasingly the world is deteriorating. Many disastrous things are happening and often with a tragic or sad end. I do not know a lot of  politics but if many people are present at the manifestations they wants to say that the government is not acting well. Hollande is a president who seeks to support the peace but I think that this labor reform should not do it in these moments. It should worry for other more important matters. The police do not have the fault of this fact, they only do their work. The people must not be so aggressive because the things can be solved speaking. If this situation is still like that, the things are going to go to worse. The principal problem of France they are the terrorists because at any time they can cause a problem. In my opinion, they should speak the things with the government and reach an agreement in order that the problem does not go to any more.


Terrorism likely cause of air crash in Egypt which kills 66


This news published on May 19, 2016 18:57 speaks to them on the search of EgyptAir's plane.

This plane was lost of sight when it was demolishing the island of Karpates, that is to say, the radar lost its location. One thinks that the plane has been kidnapped by terrorists since it is not very probable that it has been a technical failure. The Defense Secretary has declared that the plane lost many height and that also it gave many sudden drafts. Hollande still has not confirmed anything and the American planes are demolishing the zone to try to be able to locate the Egyptian plane. The United States and the United Kingdom have decided to help to find the plane and the French president and the Egyptian Abdel have agreed to collaborate. In this plane 66 persons were going. Nowadays it is not known at all on the plane but they were informing the population as soon as possible.


I think, that they should control more the planes, that is to say, use a radar better that it allows to see to more distance. In these countries always there are problems, I think that the terrorists have kidnapped the plane. They should monitor more the airports because a kidnapped plane implies many lost lives. I have liked that The United States and the United Kingdom also collaborate because the countries must help. Egyptian should impose a few more strict procedure because it is very strange that a plane disappears. In the planes there is a lot of safety and every day they are checked by specialists. It is not very habitual that the planes have technical failures because of it rare meeting this fact. It can be that it is a technical failure but with the technology of nowadays it should be able to find easily the remains of a plane. Finally, I would like to say that they must monitor and control more the airports and also that the planes are checked by more frequency.


Shutter Island

In summer of 1954, the judicial agents Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Ruffalo) are destined for a remote island of the port of Boston to investigate the disappearance of a dangerous murderess (Mortimer) who was imprisoned in the psychiatric hospital Ashecliffe, a penitentiary center for disturbed criminals directed by the sinister doctor John Cawley (Kingsley). Along the case they will be discovering mysterious things on this island. Teddy Daniels is accompanied by Chuck but this one really is not his companion but the one who accompanies him to see how his treatment goes since Teddy is sick. He is sick because he is thinking about being another person who is not and is looking for the person that I kill his wife and actually this person who is searching being the same. Finally, Teddy decides to solve the mystery of the island and for it he will do what is possible. It is the patient only one that can go for the island but under vigilance. Teddy is intrigued for the lighthouse and because of it he decides to go even there because according to him, in that lighthouse they do experiments with the patients. When he comes to the lighthouse he realizes that there nothing happens and is when he realizes all the truth, that is to say, he is when there knows really the one who is and because he is in this island. When the doctors decide to put it at liberty because it seems that already he has recovered, Teddy returns to the same thought that before.

The boy

This movie speaks on the history of a family that takes care to a doll as if he was their son. The parents decide to contract a woman in order that she entrusts to take care of it while they are out. He is taught to the nanny by all the procedure that she must follow. The nanny thinks that it is a rare family but decides to remain because she needs the work. The first days she follows the procedure because the parents are but when they go away she stops fulfilling the procedure. The days happen and she continues without fulfilling the procedure and is when the child starts doing strange things. The nanny knows a man who also works for this family and they decide to stay and to speak on the topic. When the child close the nanny she realizes that she has to follow the procedure. From this day she decides to follow the procedure. Finally, the nanny thinks that the doll has life. Her ex-boyfriend decides to be going to look for her but they do not remove very well for years and she does not want to go away with him. The ex-boyfriend gets angry very much because while he was sleeping, the doll done a joke to him and one does not think that it has been the doll. When he breaks the doll, goes out the child for the wall that according to their parents were saying that he was doing a lot of time had died. The nanny ended up by killing the child to save the life from her and that of her friend.


This movie speaks on the history of a robot with feelings. A scientist is trying to create a program in order that the robot does the same functions that a human being. When he achieves it, he puts this program in an old robot that already is not useful. This robot is called Chappie and initially he looks like a baby, that is to say, he has to learn everything again. A group of thieves that devotes itself to steal valuable objects decides to steal to the robot and they obtain it. They live in very bad conditions and Chappie is afraid of them. The chief of this group decides to educate it but to teach him to steal on the other hand his girlfriend wants to educate it and to teach the good things to him. Chappie every day is learning a bit more of the life, but he does not learn good things but he learns everything bad of his "father". For example when they send it in a van to hold an armoured van full of money up. Chappie becomes aggressive but his life changes when he wants to do the things well. The person that I design the program it decides to be going to help and asks the group of thieves if they leave it. Initially they do not leave it but ultimately yes. Finally Chappie is looked by another scientist who wants to design a program as his but to use it for the war. There is a moment of the movie that Chappie and another robot fighting and finally they end up by escaping but the scientist whom created to Chappie is hurt and dies. Chappie has found the way of passing his mind to other one, that is to say, passing his knowledge to another robot by means of a computer, decides to make it with his creator and put it in the most new body of another robot.


Tomorrowland is a movie directed by Disney and Brad Bird. This movie treats on the history of a girl that there is a pin that on having touched it takes him to another unknown place. She decides to guard this pin to be able to investigate more on it. Whenever she touches the pin she goes away to another place but she continues being in the same place. For example when the girl touches the pin being in house she sees another place but she continues being in house. Along the movie she realizes that this pin hides some mystery that she is interested in knowing. When the young woman girl goes away to a shop of ancient toys she asks the owners about her pin. The owners realize that the girl possesses the last pin that stays on this place and because of it they decide to kill her. Them present that they know of this place are robots and have as aim kill the human people who knows something on this place. Finally, the girl will know the girl who gave to her the pin and also she will know the man who fell in love with this girl but already he is major and does not want to know anything on this place. Go to this place with the help of the man and of the girl robot to be able to see the world that so much she was longing to see but this world has a serious problem and they were trying to solve it to save it.


John Form finds the perfect gift for his pregnant wife, Mia: a precious and unusual doll vintage that takes a wedding dress. Nevertheless, Mia's happiness on having received Annabelle does not last very much. During a frightful night the couple sees as members of a satanic sect they invade their home and attack them brutally. When the happened happens and seems that everything returns to the calmness, Mia decides to remain to the doll but he does not like John very much this doll. This droll possessed by a diabolical spirit and it does that in the house frightful things happen. Mia is worried and does not know how to explain to her husband what passing this one. John and Mia decide to call a priest in order that he them helps but Annabelle is a very bad doll. Finally, they manage to get rid of the diabolical spirit and the family will be able to live in peace forever.

Snow White and the Huntsman

It is about of a new adjustment of the classic fairy-tale written by the brothers Grimm. In Snow White and the legend of the hunter ', there is re-formulated the role that has in the story the personage of the hunter, increasing his importance in the plot. In the original story, he was the manager of leading to the beautiful, sweet and innocent Snow White to the forest, where he had to kill her in cold blood; but instead of it, bewildered with her, he was leaving her to escape. In this new version, the hunter is not interested in Snow White from a loving point of view, but he will instruct it in the fight and will turn into his counselor, teaching him to survive. He will turn into his protector and both will fight to defeat the wicked queen. 

Directed by the debutant Rupert Sanders, the movie, which possesses a strong epic and fantastic spirit, takes as protagonists to Kristin Steward ('Twilight') in the role of Snow White, Chris Hemsworth ('Thor'), in the role of hunter and Charlize Theron ('Monster'), in the role of the perverse queen.

The Huntsman: Winter's War


A long before being stabbed and conquered by Snow White, the wicked queen Ravenna (Theron) was a witness of how her sister Freya (Blunt) was suffering a heart-breaking perfidy and was fleeing of the kingdom. Freya lives since then in a distant winter palace, where she has created a hunters' legion, but she discovers that Eric (Hemsworth) and the warrior Sara (Chastain) have broken the only rule imposed on the soldiers: to exile the love eternally of his her hearts. On having found out that her sister has died, Freya assembles the hunters and orders them to bring the magic mirror of the only sorceress capable of destroying her power. But when she verifies that she can revive Ravenna, the wicked sisters sow the terror in the delighted kingdom. The only danger that threatens them is that Eric and Sara are capable of overcoming all the dangers to meet again.


In my opinion, it is a movie very different from the real history of Snow White. The principal protagonists are the same that the previous movie of Snow White. The directors of this movie devote themselves to do movies of the infancy and the truth is that they do it well. The work at computer to create the fantastic facts is very good. For example when the hunter fights against the monster that monitors the forest where the magic mirror is. The hunter is a good actor and interprets well his role. The beginning and the end are very different from the classic history. The history of this movie it happen before the history of Snow White because they speak of what happened to her sister. Finally, I think that Ravenna was very cruel for killing the daughter of her sister. She did it because the mirror said to her that the daughter of her sister would be more handsome than she. This fact did that Freya was untie her powerful power.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016

Final Reflection

I am very happy because it is the last post of my blog of English. After these three years I have realized that my English has improved. The way of writing in the Batxillerat blog is much better than in the blog of 4th ESO. I am proud for having done this change. Thanks to the writings I have improved my vocabulary and the connectors. I do mistakes but of the mistakes it is learned. The best post are the news because there are the post where you can improve more English. With the news you learn to understand and to be able to sum up. In every post I try to do less mistakes and add new vocabulary.
In the following linkage, you will be able to observe the differences that exist in my first post of this blog compared with the last post that I have published.

In the last post you can see the ripeness of composition. Now I don't do so many mistakes and have added new vocabulary. The structure and the presentation are much better compared with the first post. The last post are more lengths and the prayers are better connected between them. It is true, that the more you write more mistakes you do, but the mistakes are good them to learn not to do again. The mistakes that it was doing in the first post were very basic, on the other hand now I think that I do less basic mistakes. The news has helped me to comprise the topic and to be able to do a summary with my own words. This has helped me to improve my writing because I add new vocabulary.

Finally, I think that I can improve much more my English, but effort is needed. The oral presentations are very fine because you improve the fluency and learn to connect the prayers. Along the course we have done several oral presentations, I have worked very much to try to extract good note. But I have failed in a thing and the fact is that I become nervous in front of the class, this makes me not remember any things. In the last oral presentations I have lacked preparation and fluency. Doing the blog you can improve the English level. Thanks to the writings (your-says) I could have spoken on topics that I liked. That's why when towards the writings I liked explaining on this topic and that has done that it was improving my English because I have looked for words to be able to explain it better. When you do many writings, there comes a moment in which you dominate more the language to be able to maintain a conversation with another person. To finish, I have to say that I am proud of my work and also of the help that I have received from the classmates and from the teacher. 

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Brazil’s Senseless ‘War’

Brazil’s Senseless ‘War’


This news published on April 19 explains the history of a police officer. His name was Alda Castilho a police officer of 27 years. On February 2, 2014 he died in a slum of Rio de Janeiro. It was shot by a few drug traffickers. In Brazil there are many murder victims, the majority died by the drug traffickers. In Brazil the production and the distribution of drugs has been growing and the democracy has weakened. The main target that the police officers have is to finish with the drugs and every day they face a new conflict. In Rio de Janeiro there is many corruption and the corrupt police officers commit these murders. At present in Brazil there is more drug than in 1970. The police officers say to us that the struggle operations against the drugs are useless. Many of the best traffickers continue its commerce from the jail.
Finally, they want to solve this problem with the help of the United Nations. The solution will be to legalize the drugs possession but many opponents say that the drugs consumption will increase. In Portugal there worked the decriminalization of the possession of drugs and at present the number of persons dependent on drugs diminished. Some countries are trying to legalize the production, the distribution and the use of the marijuana because it is the most consume illegal drug. If the government of the country decides to legalize the marijuana there will be less profit and there will be less murders. This solution might save many lives every year.


In my opinion Brazil is a developed country but it has many problems. Principally that of the corruption and that of the drugs. If the situation is still like that the country is going to be controlled by the traffickers. An example was Pablo Escobar, a trafficker of cocaine that the government and Colombia wanted to control. Brazil is a nice country, with a good beach, good ambience and the good people. The government should use more strict measurements because any more deaths cannot be allowed in vain. The corruption should be eliminated and there should be more police officers in service. This news says that the solution to this problem would be to legalize the drug but I am not very sure. They are right because there will be less profit but also there will be many production. It might be a big problem because the traffickers might transport this drug to other countries. This solution would work if all the countries accept.

Finally, I would like that this problem was solved because the drug is very bad. The people do not realize that the drug is a chemical substance for the body. That's why many people die but also I understand the situation of the slum of Rio de Janeiro. The people of this quarter do all the possible to maintain their family and to be able to live in better conditions.


Formal letter/email of Human Rights

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing this letter to complain about the crisis of Syrian refugees because different countries incomplete different articles of the human rights. In particular, the article 1: right to equality. The article 2: freedom for discrimination. The article 3: right to life, liberty and personal security. The article 9: freedom from arbitrary arrest and exile. The article 13: right to free movement in and out of the country. And the article 18: freedom of belief and religion.

Therefore, we ask that something, so that these human rights compliance in the fields of European immigrants so that these immigrant have the same living conditions that any European citizen because they are treated as their country and can perform the same activities without any bureaucratic problem.

To sum up, we think that the best to solve this problem is that all European countries create centers for immigrants in order to accomodate them in optimal conditions and therefore does not violate the human rights of these people. And can be found as in his country. To end the wars in the country the best is send UN troops and managers to solve armed conflicts.

I look forward to your reply,
Yours faithfully,
Àlex Trias and Jordi Bramon

Àlex Trias and Jordi Bramon
1 Alverstone road
London NW2 51S
Mobile: 021-558-9701

E-mail: Alex_Jordi@email.org

Where to live when we are in the university?

In my opinion it’s better to live on campus because it’s closer to the university and is the long run, it’s cheaper... 

Living in a home has its advantages because you have more privacy instead on a campus and we are sharing room. We must also have in mind that if you live in a House and is a few minutes from the university is better because you live much calmer. On campus you have the opportunity to meet new people and make good friends. In your own home you can invite people from the university and have fun. Finally, I believe that the early years is better to live on the campus to meet more people and enjoy your studies.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

To start, I believe in the love at first sight because many people have fallen in love with a person in the first moment who sees it. There is often that you like at first sight a person because it is nice and you like its physicist but later when you already know it you do not like so much how earlier. Frequently this has happened and sincerely it has happened to me. I met a girl in Barcelona, I am overawed because it was very nice and we were speaking a little. I decided to give him my telephone number to stay another day and to meet us a little more. When I spend one week we stay in the Square Catalonia, her name was Eva. I knew it more until I realized of that I already not liked so much like the first time. Finally I decided to speak with her on this and we decide alone to be friends. The love at first sight is something slightly common because a person can impress you but later when you know it for very nice that it should be already it does not impress you so much.

To finish, the love at first sight every time happens more that means that the persons more interest by the physicist and do not know as it is the personality of the person. There will come a moment in which we will fall in love with a person only for the physicist and will not matter to us as it is really. I like the nice girls but also I like knowing it because for me not everything is a physicist.

The human rights

The human rights are rights that the people have, at present 30 human rights exist. The definition of the human rights is this: Human rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected aslegal rights in municipal and international law. The United Nations created these rights to have peace in the world and they were founded in Paris in 1948. Many articles were created after the Second World war because it was a disaster what I spend.

In my opinion the human rights increasingly are respected less. The main function of the human rights is to protect the people but in many wars these rights are violated. An example might be what it is spending in Syria, a ruined country and where the people have to go away out of fear that they kill him. The solution that they give him to this problem is to shut them up in a field. We cannot keep on violating these rights because they were created so that the humanity was working correctly. Finally, I believe that they should respect more human rights so that the world was better.

UCI use iPad to detect mechanical doping

This news published on May 4 speaks on a new device that it allows to see if a bicycle takes a doping mechanism, that is to say, if it takes an electrical engine that the tour helps him to gain. The UCI has showed this device and is used by an iPad thanks to this many inspectors will be able to see if the cyclist does pitfalls or not. Mark Barfield tells to us that function has this device and how it is used. Finally this news says that there are rumors on a cyclist who is doing pitfalls in the tours because he has been twice a champion in the Tour of France. A girl called Femke Van den Driessche has been banned 6 years for the inspectors of the UCI because a doping mechanism was him.


In my opinion it is a disrespect for the sport because to do pitfalls is not well. The sport if it is done owes to do good and without using doping mechanisms. The UCI has done a big work in there invented this device to see the one who does pitfalls. I think that many of the cyclists who do not do pitfalls do a big effort to cover so many kilometers in bike and it are not deserved that others do pitfalls so that they win. That's why I believe that the persons who do pitfalls should withdraw them forever of being able to realize again this sport. I like the cycling but I do not continue it very much, my father likes very much the cycling because from child who does routes with its bicycle. My father remained third in the Tour of Spain and this was its last Tour because it is already not in conditions to train. My brother every day goes in bicycle and he is training to be able to do the Tour of France. The sport that I like to me is the soccer.


Real Madrid to face city rivals Atletico Madrid in Champions League final

Real Madrid to face city rivals Atletico Madrid in Champions League final

This news published on May 4 speaks by the final of the Champions that will be played in Italy. On May 28 Real Madrid will face the Athletic one of Madrid for the second time. The Athletic one of Madrid gained the semifinals after winning the Bayern of Munich with a final result of 2-2. Real Madrid gained the semifinals after winning the Manchester City with a final result of 1-0. These two teams are two rivals with a big potential and the Athletic one wants to take revenge for having lost last year in the last minute.


In my opinion on May 28 there will be a big party that nobody is going to get lost because the Champions stakes. Real Madrid is a good team but it does not have the same level as the Athletic one. The Athletic one has improved very much its game, he is a team that fights and runs very much. The trainer of the Athletic one is Cholo Simeone, a trainer much wanted by its fans. For me the best trainer of this year is the Cholo because I like its attitude in the field of game. Zidane is the trainer of Madrid, it was a legend but it does not finish of adapting itself in the team. I think that it is going to gain the Athletic one because it is a team that deserves to win for its effort and because it has never gained the Champions. Finally I had liked that the Barca was playing the final of the Champions because it is my favorite team and because its players are incredible.