dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

France PM Valls condemns violence during labour law protests



This news published on May 19, 2016 22:21 speaks to them on the manifestations in the whole France against Hollande's labor reform.
In Marseilles seven student unions and of workers they summoned a protest for the recent approval for decree in the National Assembly without the vote of the deputies. André Valentin was saying that if they did not want a revolution they had to check the labor reform.

In Paris many people took part present in the manifestation because they were denouncing that the project was a step backwards in the labor guarantees obtained for years. Antoine was saying that if they do not change opinion and that the project of law was continuing forward. There have been many agents hurt through the fault of the protests and this fact has caused that the police use balls of rubber, teargases … to be able to control the demonstrators.


I think, that increasingly the world is deteriorating. Many disastrous things are happening and often with a tragic or sad end. I do not know a lot of  politics but if many people are present at the manifestations they wants to say that the government is not acting well. Hollande is a president who seeks to support the peace but I think that this labor reform should not do it in these moments. It should worry for other more important matters. The police do not have the fault of this fact, they only do their work. The people must not be so aggressive because the things can be solved speaking. If this situation is still like that, the things are going to go to worse. The principal problem of France they are the terrorists because at any time they can cause a problem. In my opinion, they should speak the things with the government and reach an agreement in order that the problem does not go to any more.


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