diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Formal letter/email of Human Rights

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing this letter to complain about the crisis of Syrian refugees because different countries incomplete different articles of the human rights. In particular, the article 1: right to equality. The article 2: freedom for discrimination. The article 3: right to life, liberty and personal security. The article 9: freedom from arbitrary arrest and exile. The article 13: right to free movement in and out of the country. And the article 18: freedom of belief and religion.

Therefore, we ask that something, so that these human rights compliance in the fields of European immigrants so that these immigrant have the same living conditions that any European citizen because they are treated as their country and can perform the same activities without any bureaucratic problem.

To sum up, we think that the best to solve this problem is that all European countries create centers for immigrants in order to accomodate them in optimal conditions and therefore does not violate the human rights of these people. And can be found as in his country. To end the wars in the country the best is send UN troops and managers to solve armed conflicts.

I look forward to your reply,
Yours faithfully,
Àlex Trias and Jordi Bramon

Àlex Trias and Jordi Bramon
1 Alverstone road
London NW2 51S
Mobile: 021-558-9701

E-mail: Alex_Jordi@email.org

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