diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

UCI use iPad to detect mechanical doping

This news published on May 4 speaks on a new device that it allows to see if a bicycle takes a doping mechanism, that is to say, if it takes an electrical engine that the tour helps him to gain. The UCI has showed this device and is used by an iPad thanks to this many inspectors will be able to see if the cyclist does pitfalls or not. Mark Barfield tells to us that function has this device and how it is used. Finally this news says that there are rumors on a cyclist who is doing pitfalls in the tours because he has been twice a champion in the Tour of France. A girl called Femke Van den Driessche has been banned 6 years for the inspectors of the UCI because a doping mechanism was him.


In my opinion it is a disrespect for the sport because to do pitfalls is not well. The sport if it is done owes to do good and without using doping mechanisms. The UCI has done a big work in there invented this device to see the one who does pitfalls. I think that many of the cyclists who do not do pitfalls do a big effort to cover so many kilometers in bike and it are not deserved that others do pitfalls so that they win. That's why I believe that the persons who do pitfalls should withdraw them forever of being able to realize again this sport. I like the cycling but I do not continue it very much, my father likes very much the cycling because from child who does routes with its bicycle. My father remained third in the Tour of Spain and this was its last Tour because it is already not in conditions to train. My brother every day goes in bicycle and he is training to be able to do the Tour of France. The sport that I like to me is the soccer.


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