dijous, 19 de maig del 2016


Tomorrowland is a movie directed by Disney and Brad Bird. This movie treats on the history of a girl that there is a pin that on having touched it takes him to another unknown place. She decides to guard this pin to be able to investigate more on it. Whenever she touches the pin she goes away to another place but she continues being in the same place. For example when the girl touches the pin being in house she sees another place but she continues being in house. Along the movie she realizes that this pin hides some mystery that she is interested in knowing. When the young woman girl goes away to a shop of ancient toys she asks the owners about her pin. The owners realize that the girl possesses the last pin that stays on this place and because of it they decide to kill her. Them present that they know of this place are robots and have as aim kill the human people who knows something on this place. Finally, the girl will know the girl who gave to her the pin and also she will know the man who fell in love with this girl but already he is major and does not want to know anything on this place. Go to this place with the help of the man and of the girl robot to be able to see the world that so much she was longing to see but this world has a serious problem and they were trying to solve it to save it.

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