dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

Terrorism likely cause of air crash in Egypt which kills 66


This news published on May 19, 2016 18:57 speaks to them on the search of EgyptAir's plane.

This plane was lost of sight when it was demolishing the island of Karpates, that is to say, the radar lost its location. One thinks that the plane has been kidnapped by terrorists since it is not very probable that it has been a technical failure. The Defense Secretary has declared that the plane lost many height and that also it gave many sudden drafts. Hollande still has not confirmed anything and the American planes are demolishing the zone to try to be able to locate the Egyptian plane. The United States and the United Kingdom have decided to help to find the plane and the French president and the Egyptian Abdel have agreed to collaborate. In this plane 66 persons were going. Nowadays it is not known at all on the plane but they were informing the population as soon as possible.


I think, that they should control more the planes, that is to say, use a radar better that it allows to see to more distance. In these countries always there are problems, I think that the terrorists have kidnapped the plane. They should monitor more the airports because a kidnapped plane implies many lost lives. I have liked that The United States and the United Kingdom also collaborate because the countries must help. Egyptian should impose a few more strict procedure because it is very strange that a plane disappears. In the planes there is a lot of safety and every day they are checked by specialists. It is not very habitual that the planes have technical failures because of it rare meeting this fact. It can be that it is a technical failure but with the technology of nowadays it should be able to find easily the remains of a plane. Finally, I would like to say that they must monitor and control more the airports and also that the planes are checked by more frequency.


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