dijous, 19 de maig del 2016


This movie speaks on the history of a robot with feelings. A scientist is trying to create a program in order that the robot does the same functions that a human being. When he achieves it, he puts this program in an old robot that already is not useful. This robot is called Chappie and initially he looks like a baby, that is to say, he has to learn everything again. A group of thieves that devotes itself to steal valuable objects decides to steal to the robot and they obtain it. They live in very bad conditions and Chappie is afraid of them. The chief of this group decides to educate it but to teach him to steal on the other hand his girlfriend wants to educate it and to teach the good things to him. Chappie every day is learning a bit more of the life, but he does not learn good things but he learns everything bad of his "father". For example when they send it in a van to hold an armoured van full of money up. Chappie becomes aggressive but his life changes when he wants to do the things well. The person that I design the program it decides to be going to help and asks the group of thieves if they leave it. Initially they do not leave it but ultimately yes. Finally Chappie is looked by another scientist who wants to design a program as his but to use it for the war. There is a moment of the movie that Chappie and another robot fighting and finally they end up by escaping but the scientist whom created to Chappie is hurt and dies. Chappie has found the way of passing his mind to other one, that is to say, passing his knowledge to another robot by means of a computer, decides to make it with his creator and put it in the most new body of another robot.

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