dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

The boy

This movie speaks on the history of a family that takes care to a doll as if he was their son. The parents decide to contract a woman in order that she entrusts to take care of it while they are out. He is taught to the nanny by all the procedure that she must follow. The nanny thinks that it is a rare family but decides to remain because she needs the work. The first days she follows the procedure because the parents are but when they go away she stops fulfilling the procedure. The days happen and she continues without fulfilling the procedure and is when the child starts doing strange things. The nanny knows a man who also works for this family and they decide to stay and to speak on the topic. When the child close the nanny she realizes that she has to follow the procedure. From this day she decides to follow the procedure. Finally, the nanny thinks that the doll has life. Her ex-boyfriend decides to be going to look for her but they do not remove very well for years and she does not want to go away with him. The ex-boyfriend gets angry very much because while he was sleeping, the doll done a joke to him and one does not think that it has been the doll. When he breaks the doll, goes out the child for the wall that according to their parents were saying that he was doing a lot of time had died. The nanny ended up by killing the child to save the life from her and that of her friend.

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