diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

The email

Dear teacher,

In this email I will explain my short and long term goals, my first goal this year is to pass second Batxillerat because it's my dream to be an engineer but what I'm sure is that I am going to be somebody important in this life because we only have one life and we must size. My possible challenge this year is to get good grades in Batxillerat and I hope to overcome them by working hard every day.

The only one who can help me in this track is myself and my family because my family is everything to me and are the only people I trust.

"I was raised by a single mom who had to work and who struggled at times to pay the bills and wasn't always able to give us the things that other kids had."

This sentence for me is very significant because it brings back old memories of childhood but now in this life I learn that things are different and you have to be satisfied with what you have. Above everything you have to be happy and struggle for your dreams.

Best regards.

Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter



Mark Bezos is a volunteer firefighter and explain your work experience. Mark explains his experience in a house that was burning. The other volunteer who was there had gone into the house to save the dog and Mark went into the house to get the shoes. She was very happy because they had saved his dog. A few days later they received news of the woman saying she was also happy about the shoes.

My Opinion:

I think Mark's work has to be valued because volunteer firefighter is hard work. Mark is a person with great courage and is a hero to me. Mark is a person who fights for what he wants and puts a lot of effort. In my opinion there should be more people like him because our society needs. Mark is aware of his work and that volunteering not charge anything. For me the thought that Mark has is that he does not care what you win because he likes his job.

Is humor necessary?

Humor is necessary for life because laughter is good for your health. Laughter is an advantage to dissolve distressing emotions it helps you relax and recharge... Laughter creates a lot of opportunities to spend a good time.

First of all, the humor is necessary to connect with other persons. It's a fact that there are many points in favour and also to be more spontaneous, let go of defensiveness, release inhibitions, express your true feelings... It is necessary to bring humor into conversations because the other persons trust you.

Secondly, if you incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions you can improve the quality of your love relationships, for example: family members and friends. Laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships and humor is a powerful and effective way to heal resentments, hurts...

In conclusion, I think that humor is the best tool for relationships with other people because you can express yourself.

Podcast: The joke

My self evaluation

In the oral presentation I used Power Point because it’s easy to use. Also because it’s more visible and layout of your slides is nice. Before starting work I saw a video related to popular programs in different countries and get enough information. I think I lacked a bit of time to improve the presentation because I made simple.

I have to improve several things:

  v  Look to the public.
  v  Least read my notes
  v  More fluent
  v  Improve my pronunciation
  v  Use appropriate vocabulary
  v  Explain more about each topic

I think that was good and orderly structure that organizes different programs depending on their location. The content would have to improve because I miss you put in each program, when it was started and some more information about its history (serie). The presentation was clear and the majority of the class understood what I said.

Use correct language but I have to add more new vocabulary and connectors. In my presentation are missing some examples. My difficulty is the pronunciation and fluency because I was nervous being the last person who had the job. I think I made a good presentation but must be improved to better note. Note that I would get is 7.

My research paper

My research paper is about how to create a company. In this paper I explained all the steps on how to create a company without problems. I learned a lot about this job, because when I grow up I'm going to open a business, that's my dream. Thanks to this work I have been told the drawbacks and advantage has opened a business. I also learned that I will have expenses and things that need it. My work lasted a year but I've put a lot of effort because it’s a subject that I like. The problems I have had to do this job is that I have changed three times of teacher.

Killer Whales in Tokyo Bay


This news explains that orcas have been seen in Tokyo. The Coast Guard has been advised to control these animals because they have had problems with fishing vessels. There are 50,000 of its kind and can be found in all oceans.

My Opinion:

I think that these animals should not be caught. The Coast Guard should control their movements by the ocean because they are a danger. These animals cause problems and are boats everywhere. The government should put boats to find these animals and take them to a better place.


Spot: Localizar
Undeterred: Decidido
Census: Padrón

Lion kills an American tourist

A lioness killed a tourist in South Africa. The tourist was an American woman of 22 years old. I was photographing the animal in a game reserve and lioness attacked by the car window. The staff alerted the ambulance and the driver of the car was also injured. The staff was told not to go down the windows and also taught them a tip sheet. After the attack staff chased the lioness to put it elsewhere. It is the third incident in the last four months in the park.

My Opinion:

I think people should monitor and ignore what I say staff. Wild animals are very dangerous because you never know how you will react. Lions are the most dangerous animals in the forest and can always attacking anyone. In the parks should put more security for tourists and that can take pictures quietly. Always heed warnings because who knows if they fail misfortunes.


Maul: Atacar
Sort of: Un poco
Lunge: Lanzarse
Rush: Correr
Pass away: Fallecer
Put down: Sacrificar

How to build the world's largest ship



The Pieter Schelte is a big boat in the world. It is not an oil or a carrier. It is because it has to be a boat with these characteristics. Talk about a boat that was from South Korea to Rotterdam. It is a ship designed to install or move petroleum platforms. It can also help to build bridges. Why they want it so great. It measures 382 meters long and 124 meters wide. It is the union of two large ships with a slot in the prow to lift heavy material. It was built piece by piece in Okpo-dong.

My Opinion:

In my opinion I think it's a great project but much money and material is needed. I liked this story because they speak of a boat that costs creation. The drawback of this boat is that it is to move the plates on oil. I do not like because oil is highly toxic and their projects will be at sea. Therefore it is contaminated faster and animals die. I congratulate the creator because it is a great idea and will get much money.


Carrier: Transportador 
Wide: Ancho
Prow: Proa
Drawback: Inconveniente

Therefore: Por eso

SR-71 Blackbird: How to fly the world's fastest plane



In the news talk about a very fast plane. They also say it is faster than a missile. And you can get very high. The Lockheed SR-71 was created by Lockheed Skunk Works. It was a secret project. It was created because they lost a spy plane, the U-2, in the Soviet Union (1960). It is designed to fly high and that no missile catch it. Since 1966-1989 he has flown in many military sites. Colonel Rich Graham flew with this plane as a pilot for the mission. Later as a coach. In a few years he wrote a few books on the aircraft.

My Opinion:

In my opinion I chose this topic because I really like aircraft. This aircraft is the best for me and the best project in recent years. The creator deserves an award because this technology is very advanced. The way the plane is perfect because it adapts very well to time so it is very fast. The big disadvantage is that a lot of money for one aircraft. I think they should spend the money on something else of greater benefit because this ship produce big problems.


Deserves: Merecer

Greater: Mayor (en cantidad) 

The most powerful marine reptile ever

This article talks about the most dangerous marine reptile because it is an animal of 45 tonnes. It is recognized as the most deadly hunter ocean.
In 2006 they found a fossil on a frozen island in the Arctic. The news says that the animal was 15 meters long and weighed 45 tons. It was a huge and bigger than other marine reptiles. It is compared with other prehistoric animals but this exceeds all the features such as Tyrannosaurus rex.

My Opinion:

This news has very little information and I would like to have more because I really like the theme of animals found to belong to prehistory. This animals amazing I'd never imagined in the water. I was very surprised this news because it is a very large animal and heavy. When I read this news I have compared to a marine vessel and the animal exceeds vessel characteristics such as an American ship.


Skull: Cráneo
Dug: Cavar

A pair of cave lion cubs has been found mummified

Mummified cave lion (Credit: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

This article discusses lions found after thousands of years trapped under the ice. The news says that you can see the face and claws. They were found in Siberia and the news says that could be used to learn more about the species that became extinct 12,000 years ago.
The worker named Yakov Androsov found the remains by chance as he was collecting mammoth tusks. The puppies are in very good condition and cave lions inhabited many parts. Puppies were two or three years. The news says that many scientists collaborate to know their lifestyle, family relationships ...

My Opinion:

I really liked this story because I learned something about animals that do not exist now. I also reported that scientists do their best to learn more about these animals. These puppies are a very valuable species to learn more about your lifestyle, family relationships, where they lived ...
The work of Yakov has been a very good job and with great interest because he loves his job.


Walled: Amurallado
Soil:  Tierra
Unclear: Confuso
Suprisingly: Sorprendentemente
Harsh: Duro/a

Review: Prisioners


The film explain the history that talk about of a family when a day the daughter’s Keller disappeared with other girl who’s have six years old. Keller found a lot of solutions for solve the problem because the Police don’t do nothing. Keller and his family suspect of a boy that live near of them. Keller and his friend abused of Alex for that Alex said them all about the disappearance of girls. Finally Alex didn’t who’s abducted the girls if not that was his mother. Detective Loki help to Keller’s family and resolve the case.

My opinion:

This film is very interesting for me because is very intriguing and never know who’s the kidnapper until the end. At the moment is the best film I see in TV. I see this film with my family and my mother like very much because she say me that I have to watch more when out on the street. Prisioners is a film that is very well set and the actors do very well them role. The director thinks highly of the film facts and scripts are suitable.

Visit the dangerous animals in Madrid

Saturday morning, we went the family to Madrid's zoo. When we arrived the employers told us to go to watch a Lion show. It was domesticated so you can touch it. While we were watching the show I was amused because the lion was attacking the coach and nobody could do anything. The police arrived but it was too late, the coach was dead. The saddest thing was watching the poor animal suffering by the police bullets pain. Finally we had to go outside the place and go home. When we arrived home my brother and I were playing console. 

Last month I went with my family on a Camping

Last month I went to Cadaqués with my family and my friends on a Camping. When we arrived in the place we began to pitch the tents and my parents cooked a BBQ to eat together. My parents after eating went to rest in the tents. We took advantage of that were sleeping to go to hunting of animals. My brother had a new shotgun and my friends also. When we were in the forest we killed 3 animals and then left to the tents because it was getting dark. When we arrived, all members of my family and my friends we left to the restaurant of Camping for dinner. Finally we returned to the tents, my parents went to sleep and I with my friends and my brother we went to the forest for play. At midnight my brother disappeared and I was very worried but finally when we went back we found with my brother asleep and we began laughing.

Last Week in La Molina

This weekend has been one of the best I have ever spent. I and 2 friends decided to go in La Molina because we wanted to go skiing. We went with my parents’ car because I have driver’s license this year 2015. Arthur had an apartment in La Molina and stayed there all day.  Manuel rented the track for 3 and I rent snowboards. We spent two great days but the only drawback is that it was very cold. On Sunday joined around to leave, but before leaving the restaurant we had my mother and there we stayed for dinner. Finally we came home very late and the next day didn't go to classes.

divendres, 5 de juny del 2015

Story of the stuff

Over 50% of our federal tax goes to the military.
Is consumed 1/3 of the planet's natural resources.
In the United States there is only less than 4% of native forests.
40% of the waterways is no longer fit for consumption.
The United States has 5% of the planet but use 30% of the planet's resources and generate 30% of the world's waste.
They go to the third world and destroy the place to get your resources.
75% of world fish stocks are exploited to the limit of its capacity or overfished.
80% of native forests in the world has disappeared.
In the Amazon we're losing 2000 trees a minute.
Today they are used in commerce over 100,000 synthetic chemicals.
BFRs are extremely toxic (neurotoxic) toxic to the brain.
Babies given the highest dose of toxic chemicals from drinking breast milk.
200,000 people move daily from places that have sustained them for generations into cities (to seek employment, live in slums).
In the United States the industry recognizes that emits two billion kilograms of toxic chemicals a year.
30% of children in the Congo has left school to work in the coltan mines.

My Opinion

My opinion on this is that I do not agree with many things that makes the government of each country. If we really want to improve we must find solutions. For me destroy forests is a bad deed and that nature must be protected. We must also think about the people who have lived there generations and not have to take home for their own benefit. Not do I agree that children working in the mines and leave their schools. US should improve its economy and produce his first field acting differently. Toxic used to develop each object should be to ban us as we pollute. Fishery resources should descontrol as there is a 75% exploited. Justice would have to stop forest holdings because for every minute 2000 trees are cut. It should be restricted to go to the third world to exploit and profit removed. Breast milk is toxic mothers and babies receive the highest dose. What I think is unfair 50% of our taxes go to the government to stop the military. Many of us can not live on the minimum wage so the government should propose solutions to help people to live life more easily and work using toxic is more controlled and secure for people who have difficulties .

The best song for me

The best song for me is "see you again" because it is a song that expresses many feelings. This song is dedicated to a famous entertainer Paul Walker of film Fast and Furious. He died from a car accident and this song reminds his best. I hear this song and I like to relax by the significance. Paul Walker was a great person on the day of his death was making donations to poor children. A Wiz Khalifa made him very excited to sing that song. It's a song that reminds me that all good things must not forget and you never know what a person is worth until you lose it.

My favourite moment in 2015

My favorite moment this year was the day of my birthday because I would pass very well. Invite all my friends to eat barbecue at home and spend the day by the people. We went to dinner and when we finished we went for a walk. The moment you pass scariest was when a friend of mine hit the door of a house. He left the man to get around town. We had to separate. I went to a bar and hid there playing pool to cover. Later came all my friends and we went to bonrelax to finish the night. We went to the beach to watch the sun. Then in the morning we went to my house and play to playstation 3. For me it was an experience I will always remember because it was the day I ran over.


My favourite country

My favourite country is Canada because I've always wanted to travel there and learn the language. Canada is a very crowded place and the people are very nice. In Canada there are different ways of living in Spain. My brother also really like Canada so that next summer we'll travel. My parents disagree because there are many flight hours. But once we get there we have my aunt that she taught us everything. We plan to go in June to enjoy the good weather. My aunt is very happy for our decision. When I grow up I'll buy a house in Canada to end my life there. Canada is a dangerous place for criminals but for me there is no problem if you can live in peace.


My favourite animal

My favourite animal is a monkey because it is an animal that looks like us. The monkey is the smartest animals because they say we come from them. It's my favourite animal because I have always liked my father. When I was little I just wanted to go to the zoo to see the monkeys and feed them. Once I got really scared and angry because I did not want to feed a monkey. That monkey got angry and grabbed my hair very strong when I gave the banana I left very fast. It is the thing I do not like them because they get aggressive food. Next year my father wants to buy a monkey trying to have him home.

My best gift

When I was 12 my parents told me to travel with them to Australia. For me Australia is a very nice place because I love animals. We were all family and went to visit my grandmother. We were at home two weeks and we all had fun. We visited many places especially the exotic side. My father loves animals especially monkeys and my brother's horses. We decided to try to buy a monkey but could not. The monkeys are animals that can not buy and take them to your country because it is forbidden. When just spent 2 weeks we had problems with our bags because we could not take too many clothes. Finally my parents decided to stay a bit longer in Australia and we had to return to Spain.


Film Review: Trash

The film tells the story of three children from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. The three children working in the garbage every day. One day Raphael found a wallet and decide to share the money with his friend Gardo. Police search for the wallet and offers a reward but not accept. Raphael and Gardo will ask your friend the Rata. Rata tells them it's an important wallet and must find hidden. Finally they found the money and decided to distribute the money to the people who work in the garbage.

SelfEvaluation - People with disabilities

Norden and I made our presentation on the war. We use the prezi and put a video on the consequences of war. It helps a lot in the prezi explanations and images.

Our hard issue between 10 and 12 minutes. Try to look at all my colleagues but I got a little nervous. I feel safer watching one partner.

Help me a bit of paper because I could not know the dates or the minutes of wars. I move quite ahead of peers.

The organization of our work has been easy. I have not used markers because they do not fit well in our presentation. I have introduced new information to the public and in my opinion our grammar has been a little loose.

We gave many examples of wars and where they were and when they lasted.

Linkers use new vocabulary and sentences but the problem was that we failed a little in pronunciation.

Finally, he spoke very fast and that made follow that understood everything.

We are taking better care of our planet

Do you agree?
I think that the people don't look after the world because they throw trash in the street. After the animals eat trash. In this planet we have a big problem because all the people do the same.

I don't agree because the environment is very important in our lives. The people have to look for a solution to save the environment, like cleaning the streets everyday. The government should put measures so that people quit.

In conclusion in this planet we don't protect the environment. We have to more recycle and we shouldn't throw the trash. The government has the obligation to clean the streets or forests.

Podcast: My favourite animal

A formal letter

                                                                                                         12 Avinguda d'Empúries
                                                                                                          Sant Pere Pescador
                                                                                                          19th March 2015
Customer Service Manager
Sports Center
17486 Castelló d'Empúries

To whom it may concern,
I would like to apply for a job because I want to save money to go on a trip and I think I would be a good sports shop assistant because I really like football and sports. First of all, I think this job fits with my personality because I am interested in some sports and I think I am an easygoing person. I am a hard working, involved with my job and I speak English, Spanish and Catalan fluently. I also speak French and German.

I live in Sant Pere and I have the car licence so, I am able to come to Castelló d'Empúries easily and I don't wind if I have to do extra hours.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Yours faithfully

Àlex Trias Chacón

divendres, 27 de març del 2015

Description of a place

Dubai is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. Its capital is Abu Dhabi. The Sheikh of Dubai is Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum since 2006.

Dubai is the richest country in the world that has a lot of oil production. It has many architectures and artificial islands to visit. Dubai is a place where many people will travel. Luxury hotels Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa-the highest in the world, with 828 m-tall, artificial port of Mina Rashid and Jebel Ali, and the housing complex of artificial islands The World and The Palm Islands.
The culture and religion of Dubai are very different from other countries because they have a different attitude.

The transport is very useful and effective as they have transportation to visit many different places. It is a country with very developed technology and the buildings are the best because they are manufactured by very good material. Music and dance are very important in the country because they mean a lot to their culture.

Of course, there are many not so luxurious places I have not described in this text but I recommend going to Dubai for a good holiday.

dimecres, 4 de març del 2015

Summary: Gap Year

This article about the Gap Year talks about a boy who looks to the future for the summer but do not know what to do. The question is: Why do not you spend a summer working in the US?
The boy returned from Australia and wanted to go there next year, but his parents told him to go to a camp to work and he wondered: Why not? For him it was a new experience, was working there like an adventure because campers are very energetic. It also says there is a magnificent swimming pool and the weather is spectacular. Since he has returned every summer, the greatest benefit is the opportunity to travel and has a great opportunity because it has been in 50 different states. At the end of the text the guy tells us that advises the latter option because it is the best to take advantage and enjoy.

Podcast: Description of a person

His name is Norden. He's a 16-year-old boy. He's a student. He lives in Riumors. In his free time he does exercise and plays computer games. His favourite hobby is playing football and always practices. Our relationship is very good. He met a girl in Barcelona and he fell in love with her. 

Norden is addicted to fashion because he likes modern clothing. He always dresses very well but sometimes he is crazy. He's got black hair and brown eyes. He's quite tall and very thin because he is active. He's a good person because it always helps others. 

He's also very extroverted because he's never embarrassed. Sometimes it's aggressive with people because they say things that he thinks are against him. But if you know, it's a great friend with whom you can always rely on. It is one of the few people who will advise on good and bad times.

Norden for me is like a big brother because he always defends me and cares for me. When something does not have what it takes to get and see me happy. We are like Mario and Luigi!

My clothes and me

I usually wear jeans, black shoes and sweatshirts because it is my style. I dislike shirts and suits because I only wear them in important occasions. I'm consider a fashion victim because I love brands and I like go shopping with my friends. I'm interested in fashion because the clothes it is important in my life. Above everything wear clothes comfortable because I'm feel light. Really wear clothes the brand not important for me because it is more important wear clothes comfortable in places for example: at school or at home. I'm not addicted to brands but I really like it. My best brand for me is Carhartt because it is a brand is high quality. 


The theme that was talked about Dubai. We have used Prezi a simple and very effective website. The resources that we used have focused on the subject. We have supported the resources to oral explanation. The video time per person is 5 minutes. We have been looking to the audience most of the time, but sometimes not. Sometimes we read the notes because the names of the structures and important people were difficult to learn. We made few moves to keep the audience's attention, this is an area we need to improve. We have tried to introduce the subject to the attention of the audience. We have not asked any questions about it. We have organized the ideas in order of importance. We have used few markers should improve this point for the next presentation. We have not repeated the key ideas in the conclusion. It has introduced new information to the audience because in the Prezi no. The information is detailed and quite extensive. The facts are not backed by experts. Opinions are justified. We have shown many examples both structures and names of people or places. The sources are correctly because we have looked at various websites and using books. The overall message is quite clear. The grammar is quite correct since we have written. The vocabulary is quite rich and varied because we have tried not to repeat words. We used some of the phrase connectors. Non fillers have used much. For the next presentation we improve the part of language because it is the weakest part of the presentation. The pronunciation is quite understandable but must improve because there are words that are spoken of as different write. Sometimes we changed the tone and talked with few pauses and interruptions. For my part I improve pronunciation.
My note would be a 7,5.

What restrictions does the science of life?

The science of life includes all fields of science dealing with the study of living things such as plants, animals and humans.

First say that I am in favor of science because thanks to their discoveries this world can do much better. Thanks to science we have made progress on projects such as: help a disabled person to walk. There are many people who are against it because many animals are used for experiments. But science needs to experience but can not solve the problem. Currently, laboratory mice, a positive aspect in science are used because many of mice.

Secondly there are countries that use science to inadequate such experiments: the monkey experiments used to make parts. A year ago I read an article about science and thought spectacular because recounted draft a new legs to walk. There are many disabled people who have problems and need help but do not have enough money. In this article the company UNICEF helped those people so they could have those objects.

In conclusion I believe science has always been a big plus for our future and I think should be improved without putting impediments because thanks to it many people can live life normally.

Personality quiz animal

ESTP: Fox                                                                               Source

Dramatic, charismatic, and influential — ESTPs seek the best in life and want to share it with their friends. They are active, spontaneous, fun, and foxy. They are the most adept of any of the personality types at influencing and manipulating people, and they make great salesman and can be wonderful friends if you’re looking for a good time. Read Aesop’s Fables for more information. 


In my opinion I am proud that I have touched a fox because I'm like that kind of person. In the description of the image makes it an active and fun person. It seems to me that I'm that kind of person. It also puts seeking the best in life and want to share with friends. I agree with this description because it details me as I am. My personality is fun and I always enjoy spending time with my friends. The good thing about being a fox is that it is a clever animal. The bad part is that it is a very manipulative animal because it can be very nice to one person but for something of interest. For example: something to eat. This animal is very nice but is found in few areas and are very little for the day. They tend to hunt at night because her nose and eyes are developed for this type of environment. In conclusion, this animal is one of my favorite because apart from being intelligent is very nice, especially the color.

Joburg Open: England's Andy Sullivan wins title by two shots

Andy Sullivan


This article talks about Andy Sullivan. Thanks to him for his batting his team could win. Details how was the party and tells us that Wallie shot a 71 to tie. Sullivan's victory was his second title on the European Tour and earned 3 points for the championship of St. Andrews. He reports that when he started the round Coetsee made 5 shots and moved to the top of the standings. Howell had played 9 holes but dropped two shots in the water.


I think golf is a sport quite boring because you just have to throw the ball into a hole. But we must also say that it is a difficult sport because you have very accurately when you throw the ball. My father is a fan of this sport because when I was younger was devoted to it. In this sport does not need to have a good physical condition because there is no getting around much just have to launch. I chose this story because I know that my father liked and he was the one who informed me of this.


Bogey: Uno sobre par.
Dropped: Caerse.
Hooking: Gancho.



In the world there are a lot of children working in bad conditions: they work a lot without reciving money and they suffer violence from Gap's workers. The brand said that they didn't know and they avoided this kind of activities. They have moved on to India, one of the potencies of child labour, where economy is depending on this. This envolves the low cost of the prices. Some celebrities have increased the fame of the brand.
But after all, Gap has been criticised these illegal contracts which they are involved forced works and physical punishment to the workers. Gap responsed to all these acusations saying that they won't allow this anymore. Athought India depends on children for their economy.

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

Ulster and Ireland wing Andrew Trimble signs two-year deal


Andrew Trimble signs two-year contract. You stay in Ulster until 2017 and then signed a contract to Irish Rugby Football Union. The player is 30 and has a foot injury. Her first debut in Ulster was with Cardiff in 2005 and within 64 tries in 188 games. His first Irish party was very successful in the Six Nations, 2014. Trimble has scored 16 tries in 57 appearances for Ireland. The match against Argentina was when I highlight more. Trimble was named player of the year for 2014 Ulster because I helped them reach the semifinals. Trimble says he is delighted to have signed these two years and that his goal is to play with the selection.


This sport is not well known in our country, but in others is very important. Rugby for me is a very entertaining sport because there is always action. Players are surprising because they have very strong and some are very fast. Trimble for me is one of my favorites because it runs a lot and works a lot with your team. It is a very young athlete to the sport but if it continues it will be one of the best. I like this sport because early that the practical.


Sidelined: Banda.
Delighted: Encantado.
Aiming: Apuntar.

Rafael Nadal: Argentina Open win equals clay-court title record


Nadal won the 46th title of his tennis career in Argentina. The win was 6-1 and his opponent was Juan Monaco, the favorite by the public. Nadal won the same number of titles Monaco Guillermo Vilas. The match was very even. In the first set they were 1-1 and the rain made the match was delayed. But when they returned to play Nadal ended the game with spectacular results. After a while injured, he had already prepared for this tournament. Finally, the time it takes to win were 1h and 26 minutes. Nadal is in the third position in the world rankings, while Andy Murray and Kei Nishikori get behind him.


My opinion on the subject and the player is that Nadal is a great player, is one of the best for me. I feel great to have won this tournament in Argentina. Nadal is a model of person to follow because it is one of the few people who surrender. The good player of this sport is Federer, but Nadal soon overcome. I think Nadal will keep winning titles and increasingly that has recovered from the wrist that is the part used more.

Delayed: Retrasado.
Further: Más lejos.
Hampered: Obstaculizar.

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015



The film is about a family that moves for work of his father. His father decides to write a book about what happened in the house. What happened was that a family died but no one knows how or because the only evidence we have is the video that is in the house. Throughout the film are passing strange things and the mother is tired and wants to go but Father tells all. Finally the father is about to finish the book but when more view more things happen until the youngest daughter of the family decides to kill because of the bad man of the house is possessed.


This movie is one of my favorites because I love horror movies and intrigue. I recommend it to everyone because until the end do not know who the real murderer. The production and recording are the best he has done in this movie because they are so well crafted and detailed. The actors are not well known only the father, but everyone does their part perfectly. The effects and animation of the characters are beautifully crafted by computer. The story of this film is very well designed and it all makes sense and is well understood.



Victor meets Henry at the university.
Elizabeth has got brown hair.
Victor has got only one brother (William).
Victor's father died because of the monster's fault. (fright)
Victor made Elizabeth come back to life.
In the film the monster died burned with Victor.
Justine is hanged by the population.
Victor's teacher died and his body is to create the monster.

Victor and Henry have been friends since childhood.
Elizabeth has got blonde hair.
Elizabeth died in the monter's hand.
Victor has got two brothers (William and Ernest).
Victor's father died of sadness because of Elizabeth's death.
In the book you don't know how the monster died.
Justine was imprisoned and condemned to death.

The dream

Last night I had a bright dream. It was like if I was the protagonist of a crime. I stole a bank with my friends. Everything was figured: we had to go to the hugest bank of the area at 3am and stole all the money, and we could do it, then we met somewhere. The police wasn't noticed, in the morning, the new was published on diaries, when we met we made equitative parts of the money. Once the allocation of money each went to a different place, where we would find somewhere else to give another robbery. I take the best part and it was when I met a girl and lost all his money on holiday and casinos. My dream was one of the best and I could do what I really wanted and when I wanted.

The best football match ever

The first football match of February we played a football match with the hardest adversaries, they were first at the league. The match started at 11am and we were at Girona's stadium. I was playing with the Perelada team and we were second in the league. The match was crucial because if we won we would get first. The game started very even and finished the first part in a draw. In the second part we are more excited and could win the game with a score of 2-0. Finally after the game were all for a barbecue and play a game against the parents because that day we won the league.



This carnival has been one of the best. We dress bulls, there were 9 and went to all the carnivals. The best for me were Roses and Castello. Castello especially because I know much more and the party was better than last year. On Saturday night we were all at the point of information and there we went to do the cavalcade that started at 21pm. At midnight we missed all of us and we didn't see until later. When the party is over were 6 in the morning and we were still awake. Finally I went with 2 other friends to sleep over at his house and before going to bed we went to eat at McDonald's. This carnival has been one of the best experiences I've lived.